Fast array summation with CUDA

Slowest to Fastest:

  1. Naive atomic add with each thread.
  2. Parallel reduction.
  3. Removing slow operations (modulo in divergent branches).
  4. Use 2 with sequential addressing.
  5. Perform first reduction when reading globally.

Further removing instruction bottlenecks:

  1. Bottleneck through loop overheads - unroll loops.
  2. C++ CUDA has templating for compile time block size detection - can be used to fully unroll loops.

NUMBA code (possible off-by-1s):

def reduce(out, a, size):
    # TPB = threads per block
    cache = cuda.shared.array(TPB, numba.float32)
    i = cuda.blockIdx.x * cuda.blockDim.x + cuda.threadIdx.x
    local_i = cuda.threadIdx.x

    stride = TPB//2
    # First reduction on global read
    if i + stride < size:
        cache[local_i] = a[i] + a[i + stride]

    # Sequential addressing with thread-ids
    while stride > 32:
        if local_i < stride:
            cache[local_i] = cache[local_i] + cache[local_i + stride]
        stride >>= 1

    # Only 1 warp left, so no need to syncthreads()
    if local_i < 32:
        if local_i + 32 < TPB: cache[local_i] = cache[local_i] + cache[local_i + 32]
        if local_i + 16 < TPB: cache[local_i] = cache[local_i] + cache[local_i + 16]
        if local_i + 8 < TPB: cache[local_i] = cache[local_i] + cache[local_i + 8]
        if local_i + 4 < TPB: cache[local_i] = cache[local_i] + cache[local_i + 4]
        if local_i + 2 < TPB: cache[local_i] = cache[local_i] + cache[local_i + 2]
        if local_i + 1 < TPB: cache[local_i] = cache[local_i] + cache[local_i + 1]

    if i == 0:
        out = cache